The Two Percent Rule

Many founders out there that struggle with how much equity to give to executives they want to hire following a seed stage or Series A financing. There always seems to be a huge rush following a financing to hand out equity, which in turn inflates the numbers. In this post we discuss the simple things to do to prevent this from happening to your startup.

Signal, Noise and Priorities

We are bombarded daily by all kinds of information – TV and radio ads, blog feeds, twitter updates, and facebook posts. But is it useful, i.e. is it signal or is it just noise? In this article I discuss what I think is signal and what is noise, how I make the distinction, and what it means to my clients and prospective clients.

The SEC Proposes Rule Defining “Venture Capital Fund”

Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), announced a proposed rule that would define “venture capital fund.” This definition is important because it basically determines whether or not VCs will have to register with the SEC as investment...