The First Mover Advantage Myth

Have you ever had an idea that you thought was different or unique only to later find out that someone has already done it? Well, take heart. Being first does not equate to being successful. In this article I discuss some of these failed first movers, as well as the legal barriers first mover erect to try and exclude competitors.

Why Startups Fail

All of us have read the statistics about the percentage of startups that fail (and the even smaller percentage that receive venture financing).  But why is that?  Well, there are two reasons IMHO:  Lack of focus and bad decisions. 1. Lack of Focus. How many times have...

How to Start Up in a Down Economy

Many people find that down economies are often the ideal time to start a new business. When economic conditions are bad, many people look for ways to save money and time doing the things that they would otherwise be doing but for the financial pinch. This spells...