Okay, I admit it. I love boardgames. I am a boardgame geek. I love the mechanics, the strategy, the competition. Have you ever noticed when you play a moderately involved strategy boardgame, such as Agricola, Innovation, or Glory to Rome, how it takes you a while...
Update: After writing this, I had brainstorm and decided that this post needed a little something more. So, I wrote “Experience and the Entrepreneur, Part 2.” If you find this article helpful, make sure to check out Part 2. It is not uncommon for many a...
Coachability is perhaps one of the most important qualities an entrepreneur can have. Why? Because you don’t know everything. Even if you did, you’ll need help. This is especially true for first time entrepreneurs who have never created their own business...
Ask, “What are the most important characteristics of a high quality entrepreneur?” and you will hear passion, knowledge, experience, but you won’t hear perspective. Perspective is not a quality you hear much about in entrepreneurial circles....
When a person decides to launch out on their own to start a new business, the act is often times autonomous. Being autonomous means to act in accord with one’s self, to act or behave in a manner that is self governing. If you are acting autonomously you are...